
The National Women’s Equality Alliance (NWEA) brings together a diversity of voices, expertise and experience to inform and guide national policy on women’s equality and leadership.

The NWEA, established in 2025 as part of the Working with Women Alliance (WwWA), and is one of the five National Women’s Alliances that play a key role in ensuring women’s voices are central in the policy development process by providing evidence-based, intersectional gender equality advice and civil society expertise to government on areas of most impact and influence to Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality.

NWEA aims to connect the sector, experts, government, and individuals with a shared vision to ensure and advance women’s equality and leadership. This will be achieved through consultation, research, and the collaborative development of expert policy advice to government.

Our mission

We are a National Alliance whose combined voices, expertise and experiences will inform policy to ensure and advance women’s equality and leadership

Our purpose

We bring the diverse and under-represented voices of all people identifying as women to Australian Government decision making

Our values







Our promise

To listen and act and work within an intersectional framework

Our vision

Our vision is to bring together a genuinely diverse range of voices, experts, and experiences to inform and guide national policy on women’s equality and leadership

Our Director

Gemma Killen is the Director of the National Women’s Equality Alliance.

She is a passionate queer and feminist researcher and social policy expert. She has led teams in the not-for-profit and research sectors advocating on a broad range of issues including gender equity, justice reform, poverty and reproductive rights.

She has a PhD in Sociology from the Australian National University.

Our consultation process

For enquires, please email nweapolicy@nwea.org.au